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Displaying Form on Frontend

  • Format: ttf
  • License: CC0

In order to place the form in an article you need to add the following text into the article in the position you want the form displayed.

{aicontactsafeform pf=1}

This will place the contact form generated by the profile with the ID 1. If you need to use the profile with another ID you have to modify the plugin code accordingly ( pf=2 for the profile ID 2, pf=3 for the profile ID 3 and so on ).

Another parameter that can be set here is the use of the profile's CSS code.

{aicontactsafeform pf=4|use_css=1}

This will place the contact form generated by the profile with the ID 4 activating it's CSS code. The only value used with the parameter "use_css" is 1. If you don't want to use the CSS code of the profile don't add the parameter into the plugin's code.

Notice the character used to separate the parameters of the plugin. It's a vertical bar ( | ) and is used to separate all parameters.

Additional Parameters

Other parameters that can be used in the plugin code are the field names of aiContactSafe.

{aicontactsafeform pf=2|use_css=1|aics_name=Alex Dobrin|aics_subject=Test message}

This will place the contact form generated by the profile with the ID 2 activating it's CSS code and setting the value of the field aics_name ( default field used as the name ) to "Alex Dobrin" and the value of the field aics_subject ( default field used as the subject ) to "Test message".

You can set any of the fields in the contact form to any value you need. Just make sure all the parameters are separated by a vertical bar ( | ).