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  • Format: ttf
  • License: CC0

This is where you can manage the profiles of the contact form. Use the right top toolbar to add/modify/delete/publish/unpublish profiles. All these buttons ( except "Add new" ) can be used only after at least one profile is selected from the profile list.

Here are the instructions for each button:

  • Add new
  • Add a new profile.
  • Edit
  • Modify the parameters for an existing profile.
  • Delete
  • Delete one or more profiles.
  • Copy
  • Duplicate a profile.
  • Edit contact
  • Edit the contact information for the selected profile.
  • Edit CSS
  • Edit the CSS code of the selected profile.
  • Edit email
  • Edit the email template of the selected profile.
  • Publish
  • Set a profile usable in front end.
  • Unpublish
  • Set a profile unusable in front end.

You can select one or more records by clicking on the checkbox on the first column of the table. Click the top checkbox to select all the records on this page.

On top of the table, you have some tools that will help you filter the profiles. Enter a partial/entire name of the profiles and click "Go" to filter the profiles. Click "Reset" to remove the filter.

Click on the name of each column of the table to order the records by that column. Click a second time to order the records in reverse order. Click "Reset" to cancel the ordering.

Add/Edit Profile

This is where you can add / edit a profile. Use the top right toolbar to save, apply or cancel the information entered into the form.

Here are the instructions for each field:

  • Profile name
    Name of the profile.
  • Field used as name
    Select the field to use as the name of the sender of the email. If "Default" is selected the default value defined in aiContactSafe's Control Panel will be used.
  • Field used as email
    Select the field to use as the email address of the sender of the email. If "Default" is selected the default value defined in aiContactSafe's Control Panel will be used. This can only be an "Email" or "Email - List" field type.
  • Field used as subject
    Select the field to use as the subject of the sender of the email. If "Default" is selected the default value defined in aiContactSafe's Control Panel will be used.
  • Field used as send to sender
    Select the field to determine if the message is sent to the sender or not. If "Default" is selected the message is not sent to the sender.
  • Use AJAX to submit the form
    Activate ( checked ) or deactivate the use of AJAX to submit the form. This will be automatically activated if you use the form in a plugin or module.
  • Contact form width
    Set the width of the contact form. Set it to 0 to let the browser determine the width.
  • Space after a row
    Set the space to leave after each row.
  • Align buttons
    Set the way the Send and Back ( if displayed ) buttons are aligned.
  • Contact information width
    Set the width of the contact information. Set it to 0 to let the browser determine the width. If you use the contact form on top of the contact information ( or the other way around ) the maximum width of this fields will be used.
  • Use security code (captcha) in frontend
    You have the following options:
    • "Only for unregistered users"
      - will display CAPTCHA only if the visitor is not authenticated
    • "Always"
      - will always display CAPTCHA
    • "Never"
      - will never display CAPTCHA
  • Select the type of CAPTCHA to use
    You can use the native aiContactSafe CAPTCHA or the CAPTCHA code generated by the plugin "Multiple CAPTCHA Engine" ( ). You need to install this plugin before use it.
  • Captcha width
    Set the width of the image with the captcha code. This is used only by the native aiContactSafe CAPTCHA code.
  • Captcha height
    Set the height of the image with the captcha code. This is used only by the native aiContactSafe CAPTCHA code.
  • Captcha background color
    Set the background color of the image with the captcha code. This is used only by the native aiContactSafe CAPTCHA code.
  • Captcha background transparent
    Make the background of the CAPTCHA code transparent. You'll still have to select a suitable background color because it will appear around the CAPTCHA code like a contour. This is used only by the native aiContactSafe CAPTCHA code.
  • Captcha colors
    Set the colors that the image with the captcha code can use. Enter the color separated by ";" and make sure they are visible on the background color. This is used only by the native aiContactSafe CAPTCHA code.
  • Use random letters for the CAPTCHA code
    Activate the generation of random CAPTCHA code. This will stop the CAPTCHA selecting from the words files and will generate the code randomly. This is used only by the native aiContactSafe CAPTCHA code.
  • Minimum word length
    Set the minimum word length of the random CAPTCHA code. This is used only when "Use random letters for the CAPTCHA code" is activated and only by the native aiContactSafe CAPTCHA code.
  • Maximum word length
    Set the maximum word length of the random CAPTCHA code. This is used only when "Use random letters for the CAPTCHA code" is activated and only by the native aiContactSafe CAPTCHA code.
  • Email address
    Specify the email address to which the contact form information is sent. If you leave this blank, the default Joomla email address will be used.
  • Always send to this email address
    Force the message to be sent to the email address specified above even if one of the custom fields used by this profile is an email type and the message will be sent to it.
  • Email subject prefix
    Specify the text to add in front of the subject in order to easily identify the email. If you leave this blank, the site name specified in Joomla\' control panel will be used.
  • Email mode
    Select the way the message is sent. In HTML format or plain text. If you have set this to plain text, you need to deactivate the mail template.
  • Record the messages in the database
    Activate ( checked ) or deactivate the recording of the messages into the database.
  • Record the fields of the message separately in the database
    Activate ( checked ) or deactivate the recording of the message fields into the database, separately from the message, so they can be exported into the CSV format.
  • Custom field date format
    Date format for the custom fields of the type date.
  • Number of years to go back
    When you use a custom field of type date, the years are presented in a list. This field is controling the minimum year starting from the current year.
  • Number of years to go forward
    When you use a custom field of type date, the years are presented in a list. This field is controling the maximum year starting from the current year.
  • Mark required fields character
    The character that will mark the required fields. You can use HTML tags with this.
  • Required fields notification
    Edit the message to be displayed to notify user for the character used to mark the required field. If left empty no message will be displayed.
  • Meta description
    Place a meta description tag on the contact form.
  • Meta keywords
    Place a meta keywords tag on the contact form.
  • Thank you message
    The message to display when the message is succesfully sent.
  • Redirect on success URL
    Define here the URL where to redirect the page when the message was successfully sent.
  • Default message status
    Select the status of the message when it is registered into the database.
  • Message status after read
    Select the status of the message after the message is read. This will be automatically changed only if the status is not changed by hand.
  • Message status after reply
    Select the status of the message after the message is replied. This will be automatically changed only if the status is not changed by hand.
  • Default
    Set this profile as the default profile when no profile is specified.
  • Published
    Activate ( checked ) or deactivate this profile.
  • Fields
    Select the fields that are used with this profile. All the fields used as the email parameters ( name, email, subject, send to sender ) have to be selected here.

Delete profile

This is where you must confirm the deletion of one or more profiles. You will have to select all the profiles you want to delete, by clicking the checkbox on the left side of the profile name. The default profile can't be deleted.

Click "Cancel" to cancel the deletion of the profile.

Warning !!!
After you confirm the deletion, you will not be able to recover the deleted profile(s).